An folgenden OSS Projekten bin ich beteiligt:
- stresslinux – eine Linux Live Umgebung zum testen & überwachen von PC Hardware
- NASlinux – eine Linux Distribution basierend auf buildroot zum bereitstellen von Dateien im LAN
- Kvpnc – KDE VPN Client (RPM Pakete)
- virtual_hdd_led – KDE4 Plasma Applet (RPM Pakete)
- VHCS – Virtual Hosting Control System (diverser Code, Distributions Configs, RPM Pakete)
- ISPconfig – ISPConfig – Hosting Control Panel Software (diverser Code, Bugfixes see first merges and commits to my repository clone)
- qmailadmin
qmailadmin-1.2.12-nospam_cmd.patch (2.8 KiB, 3,312 hits)
- varnish
varnishncsa-vhost-2.0.2.patch (1.2 KiB, 2,135 hits)
varnishncsa-vhost-2.0.6.patch (1.2 KiB, 2,190 hits)
varnishncsa-vhost-2.1.4.patch (1.2 KiB, 2,112 hits)
- RackTables (upstream since 0.19.7)
hp2524_hp1800-24g.patch (1.2 KiB, 2,342 hits)
- openpom (upstream since 1.1.0)
openpom-icinga_no-shorttag.patch (45.3 KiB, 2,058 hits)
openpom-1.0.9-lang-de.patch (3.5 KiB, 2,083 hits)
openpom-1.3.0-config_HTTP_HOST.patch (981 bytes, 2,096 hits)
- Stikked
stikked-no_shortopen-tag.patch (17.0 KiB, 2,277 hits)
- check_esx_wbem (upstream since 20110207)
check_esx_wbem-intel.diff (1.1 KiB, 2,146 hits)
- qmail-spp plugin – helodnscheck2 with IPv6 Support
helodnscheck2.c (5.8 KiB, 2,174 hits)
- qmail-spp plugin – helodnscheck2 IPv6 Patch
helodnscheck2-ipv6.patch (1.3 KiB, 1,945 hits)
- nagios-plugins/check_ide_smart – nagios-plugins_DISABLE-SMARTENABLE.patch
nagios-plugins_DISABLE-SMARTENABLE.patch (2.0 KiB, 1,906 hits)
- OpenBSD PF Cacti Templates
cacti-templates_openbsd-pf.zip (21.1 KiB, 6,905 hits)
- Backport meiner Patches für ISPConfig Version
ispconfig- (57.9 KiB, 1,797 hits)
- Backport meiner Patches für ISPConfig Version
ispconfig- (56.4 KiB, 1,741 hits)
- Backport meiner Patches für ISPConfig Version / /
ispconfig- (55.3 KiB, 1,783 hits)
- Backport meiner Patches für ISPConfig Version
ispconfig- (55.3 KiB, 1,605 hits)